About the Author

Larry Odell Johnson

When I was growing up and at elementary school age, I was often around a teenage male first cousin, who would repeatedly say to me: when you grow up you want to be “a Jack of all trades and a master of one.” Looking back on his words as an adult, I realize that the archetype that he was depositing into my subconscious was that I not become “shiftless and lazy.” That is, he was wishing that I should never lack ambition and become intellectually or spiritually lazy. As it turned out, I can acknowledge that by formal scholastic training and decree, I am a master of one… Criminology. Moreover, and yet informally, I will declare that I have obtained a  mastery of written language. Let me bullet a few points of disclosure of facts about myself that I know have informed or influenced my mastery of language:

  • My real time keen observance of the “genuine affection” that my parents and their respective multiple siblings always shared towards each other, and which I suspect is the well-spring of my admiration, respect, and love for the best that I see in others.
  • I have always loved “people watching”. For example, I can sit for several hours at say a mall, simply observing various people in their activities and motion.
  • Since childhood, I developed an insatiable appetite for random reading, learning varieties of things, and doing mathematics. Early on, I had especially liked the necessary, sufficient, and elegant detail required to do geometry and algebra.
  • Whenever possible and directed, I still enjoy being alone with time to think and write.

What the above skills have granted me is the ability to make unbelievable things believable and implausible things plausible. I have accomplished this by first developing a full understanding of the socialization process as relates to growth and development of my own behavior and human behavior in general. As a result, I have been able to come to know the meaning of meaning in language. In addition, I have developed a system or methodology for solving the cipher or coding that is to be found within language. That is, a key in language itself that defines its overall outlook, and which is essential to languages’ full understanding.

Although I should have no serious regrets about the paths that my life has taken or how my life has and is unfolding, because I believe that life ultimately unfolds as it is predestined; I Feel the need to mention two community based and socialized trains of thought that deflected my clear continuous focus on my individual achievement and success. On the developmental  skills side was the notion that the only way to guarantee financial success was to secure a college degree. As a result, I may have overlooked several potentially lucrative careers. On the moral consciousness side, was the church propagated notion that one-on behalf of others-should develop a willingness to suffer now and find your comfort in the afterlife. That prosperity of wealth should not be one’s immediate goal in life. All the while wall street and the captains of industry were promoting greed as a “good”. Personally, I have to come to know that self-sacrifice is ignorance and greed has salacious intent.

Main Dishes

Smoked Brisket

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Pulled Pork Sandwich

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis

Baby Back Ribs

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem

Smoked Sausages

At vero eos et accusamus

BBQ Chicken Wings

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem

St. Louis Style Ribs

At vero eos et accusamus

Barbecue Platter

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Grilled Chicken

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis




Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem

Baked Beans

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


At vero eos et accusamus

Potato Salad

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis



BBQ Chicken Wings

Sed ut perspiciatis unde

Jalapeño Poppers

At vero eos et accusamus

Brisket Sliders

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem

Pulled Pork Nachos

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet



Pecan Pie

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem

S'mores Brownies

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Key Lime Pie

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem

Banana Pudding

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Apple Cobbler

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis

Fruit Skewers

At vero eos et accusamus
